Wednesday, January 4, 2012


 Winter is a time for introspection.  A time to calm our bodies and feed our soul.  I find myself reflecting on my ways and actions and looking for ways to improve myself and grow.   I'm inspired by the stillness, and quiet of winter.  A resting period in some ways yet a time to refuel as well.  Each season serves its purpose and I embrace each one as it comes.  Taking advantage of what it has to offer and doing my best not to get wrapped up in the craziness of life.  But I find that its a little difficult to truly slow down this year and I think the Earth is feeling the same way.

   I explored my surroundings today and found that my bushes are very confused.  There are flowers budding and blooming on them and it's the beginning of January.  The plants don't know that these warm temperatures we've been experiencing are unseasonal.  They are just following the natural pattern that they've always known.  How can we not be affected by these unusual occurrences?  I feel so in tune with the Earth and I can't help but feel confused.   It's as if everyone and everything  is moving so fast around me.  I just want to stand on top of a mountain and scream at the top of my lungs "SLOW DOWN"!

  Technology is an incredible tool and allows us to connect with others and gives us access to information and knowledge on a level I never felt was possible.  And it just keeps getting "bigger and better".  But I feel like its being abused tremendously.  People are so engrossed in their technological bubbles that they are forgetting to connect with the people and environment right in front of them.  The Earth is feeling the impact of this in more ways than one.

  We consume and conform because its all we know.  But I've begun to question things.  To look at the bigger picture.  And I feel truly fulfilled living as naturally as possible.  I refuse to contribute to the abuse and ignorance that's going on.  Whether it be consuming animals, spraying pesticides on plants and vegetation, or purchasing chemicals and byproducts of all of the ugliness that has taken over so many parts of the world.  Its our job as Earthlings to care for the Earth and all of its beauty.  Its beauty is alive in animals, trees, flowers, insects, and most of all us...

   Life feels like a never ending process, a journey that continues with twists and turns.  Sometimes up. Sometimes down.  We coast and enjoy the ride at times, but we continue to move forward whether we want to or not.   I'm determined to make a positive impact on our future.  Even if it's just by educating and encouraging my three children on how to respect and nourish the Earth.  I'll continue to learn and grow with them for as long as I have with them, and my hope is that the seeds I've implanted in them will grow and reseed through the generations to come...

  And so I leave you with a quote from an amazingly wise man  “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”
John Muir

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