Monday, January 9, 2012

La Bella Vida

 On Wednesday I celebrate my 35th birthday.   I find myself reflecting on my life and all of the lessons I've learned thus far.  It's pretty incredible to think about really.  All of the ways I've changed and grown through the years.  I feel more comfortable with who I am than ever and it feels amazing to admit that.  I've struggled with my weight and letting that define me for so long.  I feel like I've finally got a grasp on it.  I know it doesn't define me and it took me a very long to time to feel as beautiful on the outside as I do on the inside.  I'm doing my best to live with integrity and giving my spirit the space it needs to express itself with freedom and no judgement.  Through this process I've accumulated amazing friends and connections and I couldn't be happier with the circle of support I'm surrounded with.

  Lessons I've learned...     

Inspiration, creativity, joy, laughter, and love are the 5 key ingredients to a beautiful life.  At least in my world they are.  If you are a part of my world then you provide me with at least one of these qualities.

Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows.  And when dark times come about it's difficult to understand why.  But I truly believe allowing ourselves to learn and grow through these times only makes us stronger.  We all have our struggles and demons and learning how to overcome them is a personal journey we all must go through.  But when we surround ourselves with people who feed our souls I believe they give us strength and knowledge as long as we let them.

My children teach me more than I teach them.  Parenthood has taught me more about myself than I could have ever imagined.  Before I became a mother I thought I was patient and totally care free. I couldn't have been more wrong about myself.  My children teach me how to let go of control and be ok with it.  They make me accountable for everything I do.  And they make me want to be the best me I can be.  For their sake and my own.  I've been incredibly blessed with 3 amazing, dynamic, and precious little individuals.  And giving them the space to express themselves and develop into kind, productive, and gracious human beings will always be the greatest challenge and gift of my life.  

Marriage requires attention and compromise.  Marriage is a life time commitment.  It requires effort on both parts.  You must always be willing to put effort into it or it will fall apart.  Take time to communicate and connect on a regular basis and always be willing to compromise.  I wrote a poem a few years ago about love and I feel it sums marriage up pretty well

Love is like a burning flame
it's beauty can hypnotize
if you nourish the flame with constant care
it's beauty never dies...

Friendships can be complicated.  Much like marriage friendship requires communication and effort.  If one person isn't willing to give you either of these most likely it will fall apart.  I view my friends as family and feel as if I can pick up right where we left off even if it's been weeks or months since we've spoken.  But there has to be an understanding that life happens and sometimes time just doesn't allow you to connect as often as you like to.  As long as you and your friend understand that, there should be no drama or problems.  There should always be a level of respect and love for your friends.  If they don't exist they may not be your friend after all...

  We must create balance in all aspects of our lives.  It's a constant struggle of mine to seek balance.  To maintain it is the hard part.  To keep the house in order at all times but not obsessively.  To let the kids make messes knowing that it will get cleaned up... eventually.  To not eat until I'm uncomfortable.  To not drink until I'm drunk.  To not shop if I don't need anything.  It's always something.  But I'm happier and healthier when I achieve balance and maintain it.  Things run smoothly and I feel like I can coast contently.  I think this lesson is one I will always struggle with...

Make time for yourself.  If you aren't taking the time to figure out what you love, what feeds your soul then I don't believe you'll ever find true happiness.  What is your passion?  What brings you joy?  Whatever it is make time to do it!  It makes you a better person!  Personally I need to be creatively productive in some way on a normal basis or I just don't feel alive.  I need to connect with nature with my camera in hand.  It's like therapy to me.  Taking time to get outside and take pictures makes a world of difference for me.  I love capturing the beauty in nature and people and sharing it with the world.  It brings me joy and I hope it always does.

  So there you have it!  A little insight into the depths of my soul.  I'm going to continue to do my best to live in the moment and enjoy every second of this beautiful life.  But I sure am looking forward to seeing what the next 35 years bring...


  1. great stuff! especially the balance part minus the line about drinking. lol

  2. Awsome! Can relate on every one. Espically weight. So glad our boys met

  3. Great blog!!! You are such an but your thoughts and feeling out there better than anyone I know ;-)

  4. jen i am sure everyone feels equally as blessed to have you in their lives. i know i do! love you!
